About Michael Clarke

Best Selling Author

My Story

November, 2012 sucked.

That was the month I got laid-off/fired/exiled from my marketing gig AND had my Mom move in with me as she began her fight against Ovarian cancer.

Needing a gig that both freed me up for trips to the Chemo clinic AND the ability to buy bowls of Ramen, I took all my corporate marketing and sales experience to the Small Business Rebel Base.

Why should the Galactic Corporate Empire be the only one who knows this stuff?

And though I still miss the sand volleyball courts and Bagel Friday, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

To help small businesses take on the “bigs” and thrive…well…that might be the most Punk Rock thing of all.


I’d like to thank all the readers who purchased one of my books.

Personally. Door-to-door.

But until I master the art of teleportation I’ll have to do it here.

So, thanks.

None of this could have been possible without you!

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I think this was a great book, for someone like me who hates social media, this book resonates well on why I should profit with social media despite my dislike of using it personally. I have bought copies for my staff and they have found it useful as well.

– David H.

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