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Most Instagram blogging tips either range from the totally-generic – “you should engage and be authentic” – or they assume that the person reading them has an in-depth background of how Instagram works…and how it can be used to promote your blogging platform.

I admit the first couple times I dipped my toe into Instagram blogging, I was like “Hold on, there’s no way to link to my blog am I going to do this?”

But it’s important to know that Instagram posts are a great way to provide cross-sections of a journey. Entice them with the images and if they want the whole “story” they can head over to your website.

So, before you throw yourself into an Instagram marketing vortex of confusion, here are a couple of Instagram blogging tips to get you up and running.

Instagram Blogging Tips for Instagram Newbies

Tip #1: Think In Terms of Snapshots

I like to think of it as if I’m a location scout for a film director who has sent me ahead to get some images that convey the feeling and tone of a piece.

Say I’m promoting a live event I’m going to speak at. Maybe I go around and share some shots of the podium, the microphone, the busy hallways, the beautiful hotel staircase. Don’t try to encapsulate the whole thing in one shot. Just give ’em small slices of goodness.

Tip #2: Pick a Lane (and Stick to It)

Unlike Pinterest, which has boards with which you can organize your content, Instagram has no such organization system. That’s why it’s important, unless your last name is Kardashian, that you stick to one basic area of the Instagram universe with your posts.

Are you a travel blogger? Then keep your posts based on travel-stuff and amazing shots of faraway places. Are you trying to sell fitness affiliate products? Then focus on fitness and self-improvement.

Doesn’t mean you can’t throw in a personal post here-and-there, but you want to laser-focus as much as you can. You’ll find your follower count rises as a result.

Tip #3: Use Your Captions to Create Context

Much of the emotional power of your Instagram story/blog will be conveyed by the picture. But it’s your caption that will give context, that will give the WHY it’s important.

Sure, that picture of loons on a lake in Minnesota. But what does that picture mean to YOU? Did you grow up in Minnesota? Do you work with endangered birds? Is the loon your spirit animal?

Don’t say the picture is beautiful. Tell us the meaning behind the beauty. It’ll do more good than a super-expensive Instagram marketing service.

Tip #4: Encourage the 10% Who See Your Post to Engage

Here’s how the Instagram algorithm works: (Write this down, because I’m about to save $2500 in Instagram agency fees)

  • You post to Instagram.
  • Instagram shows your post to 10% of your followers.
  • If that 10% engages, they’ll show to the other 90%. If not, your post gets buried.

That’s why it’s crucial that the 10% who do see your post actually do…something…with you post. So, do your best to promote your post in the first-few hours it gets published. After that, and things pick up, Instagram will take it from there. And you won’t have to worry about getting Instagram to send you extra traffic. (The only struggle will be knowing how to handle all your new blog traffic.

What’s Your Take on Instagram Blogging Tips?

Got some Instagram blogging tips of your own? Not even sure what the hell that means? Let us know in the comments below!

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About the Author |
Michael Clarke is a digital marketing consultant and the author of ten business books, inculding Small Business Marketing Made (Stupidly) Easy. He’s made it his mission in life to help small-business owners avoid the numerous stupid marketing mistakes he’s made.
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